
Book Review: Katana Gets A Family

Embark on a Heartfelt Journey with Katana, the Labradoodle: A Tale of Resilience, Belonging, and Enduring Love "K atana Gets a Family ," written by Ashley Christine and Maggy Williams , is an adorable children's storybook delineating the journey of Katana, a charming Labradoodle pup. It offers a poignant narrative of resilience, love, and acceptance. With tender warmth, the story unveils Katana's initial return by a family due to his unique quirks, only to be embraced wholeheartedly by another family who cherishes him with unwavering love and compassion. The story eloquently underscores the intrinsic significance of familial belonging and the enduring impact of empathy and love. Click HERE to buy the book Enhanced by captivating illustrations, this narrative presents itself as an endearing and immersive experience for our young readers. The story of Katana positively impacts the tender minds of y

Book Review: What I Hope for You

Each page in this book effortlessly embodies an endearing wish from a grandmom's heart. 'W hat I Hope for You' by Jennifer Bonn is a heartwarming book that captures the world of joy and blessings a grandmother desires for her grandkids. The book further weaves in the happiness by manifesting vibrant illustrations by Bijan Samaddar. Many of us might not have our grandparents with us anymore, but this book takes us down memory, where we find solace in the author's words. She has numerous direct-action thoughts that set the spark in a young mind. Something like 'dream-big' tells a kid to set audacious goals and never look back. To believe in oneself and achieve! Such a wish can only come from dear grandma! Click HERE to buy the book The bond a grandmother has with her grandchildren is of abundant love, care, and everlasting hope. This book is a treasure trove of delightful memories that will warm your heart a

Book Review: Baby Bandage and His First Aid Family

Introduce your kid to first-aid in a gentle and engaging way with the " Baby Bandage and the First Aid family " book. Dr. Laurie Zelinger has once again done a remarkable job! This book is a perfect tool to teach your little ones about first-aid and the importance of caring for themselves and others. They learn essential first-aid skills that nurture their sense of care and empathy. The book starts with an introduction to the first-aid aisle, a big step forward for young toddlers and preschoolers to understand how and what they need to do to heal their wounds. Questions smother their mind as to how each item can help them, and they quickly learn to use them when needed. Click HERE to buy the book In addition to learning about different items that can assist with first-aid, young children also learn important values through this book. They learn values such as waiting patiently for their turn and the importance of f

Ribbons from Anna

Trying to find the motif in good deeds, I suddenly stumble upon this remarkable lineage that keeps me hooked on the stranger I confront. I n a small town where good deeds are accountable, I obsess about uncovering the hidden motives behind people's seemingly altruistic actions. I had become somewhat of a cynic, always searching for the ulterior motives or the hidden flaws in even the noblest gestures. One day, while waiting for the bus on my daily commute, I noticed a stranger - a woman with an air of mystery about her. She was handing out sandwiches to the homeless people who gathered at the stand, her smile genuine and her demeanor warm. As I watched her interact, I couldn't help but wonder, what was she gaining from this act of kindness? I approached her, my skepticism pricking at the back of my mind. "Excuse me," I said, "I couldn't help but notice you've been here every day, helping out. What's your story?" She turned to me wit

Book Review: Harvey the Hippo meets Mickey Mandarin

What a radical and riveting way to present an extremely relevant yet sensitive issue to its targeted audience! I ndeed, Abby Pete’s book, Harvey the Hippo meets Mickey Mandarin thoughtfully rules out exclusivity to embrace inclusivity with a tenderness that is apt for young minds. Acceptance of the fluidity of gender and a non-binary approach towards others are the fresh perspectives that this engaging read offers. Click HERE to buy the book You can also by the book in Barnes and Noble and L.H. Press The story is about Harvey, the hippo , who being a “he” and a “him”, lives in the zoo with his family and friends. They are Zo, the Zebra, who likes to be called “they” and “them”, Ginger, the giraffe, whose preferred pronouns are “she” and “her” and other animals too. However, their differences in identities do not affect their friendship but rather strengthen their bonds. In fact, the animals accept their friends as they are and engage in pl

To Dread Midlife

They say that the 40s is midlife, and it's a crisis! H aving recently stepped into the fussy yet fascinating Forty Club, there is one thing I get to hear from friends and familiars alike. It is called a "Midlife Crisis"! Yes, you read that right. Be it someone not getting her long-deserved promotion and sulking over it or someone becoming quiet in a relationship (I bet the years of togetherness often render one speechless!), it is the midlife crisis that has to shoulder the blame. On the other side, if a so-long introvert suddenly starts churning out recurrent reels on her reinvented self and revamped life, again the clueless crisis is held culpable for it. Even a parent reacting to the tireless tantrums of her teenager (that's me!) is labeled as going through that particular phase of life. Every change physical, mental, financial or social, for the better or the worse (depends on the beholder) is callously yet confidently pushed within this b

Nurturing Yourself Through Grief

Healthful Healing After Losing a Child L osing a child is an incredibly painful experience. The level of grief that accompanies this profound loss can be overwhelming, completely exhausting your mind and body. While your grief may feel all-consuming, taking care of yourself and prioritizing your well-being is crucial to healing. Setting healthy goals can serve as a guiding light, providing you with a sense of purpose and a direction on which to focus your energy. In this article from Quotidian Tales , we’ll offer some small steps you can take to nurture yourself physically, emotionally, and mentally as you navigate your grief. Chase Your Professional Dreams Losing a child can prompt a shift in your sense of identity and purpose. Pursuing your professional dreams may be a good way to rediscover yourself and reconnect with your passions. For example, if you like the idea of working as an entrepreneur, consider channeling your grief into creative energy and starting a

Book Review : Up Bow Down Bow

I am a string mom of a 5th grader who invariably looks forward to her son improving his listening skills and identifying the upbows. R eading the book "Up Bow Down Bow" by Nancy M. Schwartz and April E. Beard made me sense that same excitement in Nancy, a mother, who saw her youngest son Alex's desire to learn and love music. She felt the pure bliss and emotions of music seep into Alex and positively impact every facet of his development. The love for music is reflected even in the words of April, Alex's music teacher, who narrates every other chapter in the book. She is a core believer in Alex's abilities! The writing style is elegant and immersive, making it easy to get lost in the story of Alex. The vivid descriptions of Nancy, April, and Alex's teamwork are also deftly woven into the narrative. It is a powerful reminder of staying true to one's passion. Every section of the book recounts a mighty beam of hope, a learning

Book Review : Beachcombers

Who doesn’t long for an amazing adventure and that too on a beach with friends and fun? And how effectively can a book entertain and empower at the same time? A Answers to such questions lie embedded in the interesting story, lucid language, evocative illustrations, and engaging exchange of Beachcombers: A Clementine the Rescue Dog story. In this book, Kyle Torke, the man who believes in the power of imagination and the possibility of exploration, narrates the story of three adolescents, Taliss, Conrad, and Coover, and their fantastic canine friend, Clementine. As the story progresses, the beach comes alive to the reader with its beauty and bounty. Any little enthusiast gets to meet sandpipers, starfish, purple crabs, grey snakes, seagulls, and pelicans along with cliffs, surf, flowers, and waves. Simultaneously, conscious activities that need to be undertaken to preserve the beach and its ecosystem are categorically mentioned. For instance, the removal of plastic for r

Health Information - Overweight and Obesity

Are you struggling with your weight and feeling down about it? D id you know that being overweight or obese can have a significant impact on your mental health? In this blog post, we'll explore the ways in which excess body fat can affect your mood, self-esteem, and overall well-being. From depression to anxiety to social isolation, we'll delve into the psychological effects of carrying extra weight and offer tips for managing both your physical and mental health. So buckle up – it's time to take a closer look at how our bodies and minds are interconnected when it comes to staying healthy! Introduction to Overweight and Obesity Overweight and obesity are major public health problems in the United States. More than two-thirds of adults and one-third of children and adolescents are overweight or obese. Overweight and obesity increase the risk for many chronic diseases, including heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer. Me

Book Review : I am Mixed and I am Me

To be proud of one's identity! A cceptance of the self and others through appreciation and empathy lies at the heart of Sarah Porter’s book I’m Mixed and I’m Me . And while the subject seems one that needs to be pondered on, the presentation is just the contrary. A delightful read, it can aptly address tender minds and enable them to imbibe the message, which is crucial and compelling. The book begins with Snacks introducing himself and his sister, Wiggles, and promising to tell the reader "our own story," which he admits is rather unique. The first thing that we get to know is that their parents are from "different places," an aspect that gets starkly noted due to their obvious difference in skin color. Nonetheless, black lips kiss as softly as white ones and both parents are similar in showering love and shaping lives. Click HERE to buy the book Snacks assert that they are lucky to have dissimilar parents as that allows them to go on

Book Review : Grateful to be Grace

A compelling story for teaching a child to say "I choose to do" and develop the practice of Positive Thinking… D on't we all have a difficult time getting our kids do simple chores? Don't we feel upset when they refuse to listen to our instructions and be productive? Don't we wonder what we could tell them to help them take right decisions and develop the right attitude towards life? Then this book by the versatile author, Maggy Williams , has the perfect solution to our complications and concerns. Click HERE to buy the book Through lively illustrations and a conversational presentation, we come across the daily dilemmas of a girl called Grace and how she usually responds to them. Till one day, her Dad explains to her that "…most times, we do have a choice." The word "choice" acts as a trigger and she feels "an inner shift" and from that moment, every activity that she accomplishes is her decision and not a co

The New Mantra for the New Day!

The takeaway is that while the industry is imperative, you will thrive only if you are adept at unlearning, hustling, and aggressively finding solutions in a world where AI is taking over even before you are aware of it. S undays for me are laidback and without any alarms or reminders. I had just completed my yoga, mostly breathing exercises minus the rigor that a flushed Kareena Kapoor inspires through hers when I received a YouTube video in my really close friends' WhatsApp group. The one who sent it mentioned that it had pertinent information for parents and being on a roller-coaster ride with my teenager, I intended to at least skip and watch through it sometime. With the post-breakfast coffee in my hand, I started listening to it. Before long, I got so hooked on the ideas discussed and directions doled out that I was totally convinced to share them with others. To sum it up in a single word, it is all about "Newness," which the dictionary defines as th

Book Review : Harvey The Hippo

The tale of an adorable floating Hippo who eventually make good food choices. T his book , its illustrations, and the story are a sheer joy to young readers! Have you not had this conversation with your kids and asked them to make good food habits? That whole conversation becomes easy when they read about Harvey, their hippo friend, touring the entire world and finally deciding to pick healthy food options. Crisp rhythm, friendly tone, and valor reside throughout the tale of Harvey. The floating part of the story bring kids into a pleasant aura where they can feel free and light while connecting to their little friend. Read other books of Harvey the Hippo Moreover, how author Abby Pete tours Harvey through the different cities around the world instills curiosity in a kid's mind about cultures and food habits in various parts of the world. We cannot disagree that it harvests awareness about food and health in diverse setups. Click HERE to buy the book

Book Review : Power Down & Parent Up

The book "Power Down & Parent Up," by Holli Kenley - says it is all about cyberbullying, screen dependence, and raising tech-healthy children. T hat reminds me of what my six-year-old had asked Santa as his last year's Christmas present - a tablet. Santa might give her a tablet this Christmas, but that keeps us, parents, on our toes thinking about whether it will be appropriate for the little one. Presently, technology has become a boon and a curse in itself. No wonder parents struggle to understand what to do and what should be the limitation imposed on kids to use it. It's a constant hassle between kids and parents. Let alone when it becomes a demand and addiction for these little ones. Can you even imagine the vast virtual world they get exposed to and how vulnerable they are there? Holli Kenley 's book analyzes, resolves, and tackles such daily hassles giving parents the upper hand when dealing with kids and technology. A book you can pick up

My strands of American Childhood

I was born and brought up in central Calcutta, schooled in central Calcutta, but then grew up to become the core Bengali who had an American childhood! W e Bengalis know the characteristics etched in someone from central Calcutta. Her strings are pulled from both ends. She owns the traits of the more settled in old North Calcutta while desirous for the contemporary South Kolkata (Eastern Kolkata wasn't so prominent then.) We still lived in our hundred-year-old rented homes with 20-inch deep walls and cut-glass floors. But, we went to the top schools in the city. We religiously fed the street dogs, cats, and cows but reluctantly swapped our indoor plants for lack of water. Though I have been a Central Calcuttan all my childhood, I was never pulled by either of these strings. I held on to an American fiber that tugged me on and off! My mom's best neighborhood pal was an American lady! Well, I know you could expect someone of British descent at that location and era

Book Review : A Piece of Peace

A book by Sweta Srivastava Vikram ! The perfect parcel of potions that one can sip on one page at a time and let the magic gradually transpire. W e inherently try to retain our emotions and thoughts. In the process, all remain in a hoard within ourselves while we continue to pursue massing it. Eventually, this affair summons the need for mindfulness, self-connection, and revival. Click HERE to buy the book That is when "A Piece of Peace" on the bedside nook can serve as our rescue parcel! One can read a chapter from the book and instantly connect with her ingrained emotions. To be able to understand and be cognizant of them. Sweta Vikram's book is the perfect parcel of potions that one can sip on one page at a time and let the magic gradually transpire! Even so, you will be entirely surprised to find numerous familiar and relevant questions answered throughout the book. We had to mention below some of the questions she answe