
Book Review: Baby Bandage and His First Aid Family

Introduce your kid to first-aid in a gentle and engaging way with the " Baby Bandage and the First Aid family " book. Dr. Laurie Zelinger has once again done a remarkable job! This book is a perfect tool to teach your little ones about first-aid and the importance of caring for themselves and others. They learn essential first-aid skills that nurture their sense of care and empathy. The book starts with an introduction to the first-aid aisle, a big step forward for young toddlers and preschoolers to understand how and what they need to do to heal their wounds. Questions smother their mind as to how each item can help them, and they quickly learn to use them when needed. Click HERE to buy the book In addition to learning about different items that can assist with first-aid, young children also learn important values through this book. They learn values such as waiting patiently for their turn and the importance of f

Book Review : Explain Alzheimer's

Yet another enlightening book by Dr. Laurie Zelinger ! L ittle do we comprehend Alzheimer's disease or its victims. It is still newly found for many with very complex, challenging, and changing behaviors. A comprehensive book that explains Alzheimer's The book "Please Explain 'Alzheimer's Disease' to Me" by Dr. Laurie Zelinger serves as a consolidated guide for every parent and caregiver. The illustrations in the book weave a beautiful story of Seth, a little boy, and his grandma. We, in turn, get a vivid picture of the progression of Alzheimer's disease. Later in the book, the readers also find answers to several questions they might have in mind about the illness. In 2020, 6 million adults in the United States alone were diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, which is a large number by itself and that we further expect to increase. This book will help families proficiently manage - when they have to engage with kids a

H stands for Humanity

Ever wondered about the attribute of an Alphabet Book when you instinctively give it to your little one? A conscious observation will reveal that among the first few things that a child, more often than not, engages with is an Alphabet Book. Though languages become a part of her life, the moment she starts picking up sounds, it is only through an ABC book that a child, yes unknowingly, is made to step into the world of literacy and wholesome education. In fact, the book initiates in a tender mind the interesting yet intriguing process of associating visuals with sounds and then attaching a name (a noun) to it, just before it is linked or made to represent an object or a concept in the real world. So somehow an Alphabet Book unlocks a new space for the child, that into which she would very soon belong and make sense of. Apparently, an Alphabet Book introduces a beginner to the letters of the alphabet, its capitals and lower case forms and eventually proceeds to the m

Who Smarted?

The Super-Fun Educational Podcast For Elementary School Kids D oes it seem like your kids are glued to screens all day, round the clock? And being mindful about it makes you miserable. The perfect getaway for you and your kid is - Who Smarted? From the Emmy-nominated producers of Brain Games and Brainchild comes Who Smarted . It's the podcast that uses humour, storytelling, and interactive games to help answer cool questions and teaches kids amazing fun facts almost about any topic. It delivers the infallible means to engage your child. And now, how does all of this work? Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday a joyful and funfilled episode of Who Smarted airs on. It teaches more than just fun and facts, but also critical thinking skills. Each bite-sized episode is only 12 minutes long, perfect for kid-sized attention spans. But just enough time for them to learn and give Mom & Dad a little break. Even a piece of better news for Mom and Dad! It's

You’ll be happy if you know it

A conscious endeavour to foster happiness can help you make a habit out of it. I had seen a photograph of my friend’s daughter. She was right in the midst of greenery, kneeling down and lively in the lap of nature. Her wonder-filled eyes and infectious smile seized my second. Unknowingly, I experienced the happiness that the instant eternalised in itself. I felt it. I wished if only I could hold on to that happiness or engage with it as effortlessly as the child did. The absurdist author, Albert Camus, wrote, "You will never be happy if for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life." But we are incorrigible. Each of us is in pursuit of happiness. Few realise, it is but a function of our will. Some claim to have found it in their own bitter-sweet ways. The other day, I heard my daughter singing full-throated, the insanely-popular Pharrell Williams song, 'Happy'. She was rehearsing her Zumb

Chapters from Childhood

When did you last visit your childhood? L ast Friday, I went to an exhibition. I had read about it in the papers. It promised fun and nostalgia but with a difference. Conceived and created by an aspiring artist, Aahel Iyer, it was called the 'Playschool'. What a memory-inducing name, I thought! The moment I entered the hall, a splash of colours, bright colours dazzled my eyes. I’m sure you’ll agree that colours have their own way of affecting the mind. Mine was immediately swept away from the subtle shades of my present to the effervescent and energetic hues of my childhood. There were quite a few interesting installations, coloured art pieces and impressionistic presentations, if I may call them, in the exhibition. I was very keen to know the story behind each one of them. A tag, which included more than just a name or a title, was attached to every exhibit. The purpose, I believe, was to offer a vignette of that particular memory of the artist. Another t

Eternal moments…

Reward yourself as a parent. Happiness begins with you. I t was an unusually busy day. Working on a gruelling assignment, I was engrossed in the editing process of the photographs. It had to be furnished to the client the following day. A rather pesky nudge distracted me. I turned around to notice my 7-year-old (but threatening to pose as a grown-up) daughter standing right next to me. She was beaming as she broke out the headlines of her day, “I have something for you.” Seconds seemed an eternity to the little one as she struggled with time to divulge the surprise she had in store for me. Hurriedly, she took out a notebook from her school bag. Deftly flipping through a few pages, she halted only when she arrived at the one, the one that was meant for me. It was not a school exercise or some graded sheet. It did not boast of her exceptional performance or clamoured for my attention and appreciation. It was just a few words, randomly chosen by her to express an emotion that