About Us
Quotidian Tales is a platform to share stories and speculations, relive experiences and moments. Where memories come alive as one embark on a journey of learning and liberation.
We started as a group of bonding buddies, hardworking homemakers, mushy mothers, and potpourri professionals who came together to extend their selves with the desire to delve into the "Other."
It is here that we present to you Our Story - The embarking tale.
Scribbling down thoughts and communicating them to the public is an achievement far-fetched. Kudos to those who have successfully done it! Hiking along this same path, we want all your support. Give comments, voice disagreements, criticize, and express your love for the subject. Also, please subscribe, share, and follow us on social media.
Our storytelling is just for you. We love our readers who spend a part of their day reading Quotidian (kwoh-tid-ee-uh n) Tales. We also invite you to follow our blog with Bloglovin. Hope, you enjoy our stories.
Quotidian Tales have three sections to cater to different preferences. The first section is Sparkles, which has a light mood and stages our celebrations and happy milestones. On the other hand, Pause.Ponder.Proceed. is aptly named for encompassing our grave opinions about life, relationships and social commitments. Finally, the third section Intangible is where we drift into a different world, surpassing our quotidian reality. It is by far the most emotional hub. Bringing all these sections together, we present to you our Quotidian Tales.
We have also started a new section for Book reviews. Please visit to discover some fantastic children's and young adult books.
We started as a group of bonding buddies, hardworking homemakers, mushy mothers, and potpourri professionals who came together to extend their selves with the desire to delve into the "Other."
It is here that we present to you Our Story - The embarking tale.
Scribbling down thoughts and communicating them to the public is an achievement far-fetched. Kudos to those who have successfully done it! Hiking along this same path, we want all your support. Give comments, voice disagreements, criticize, and express your love for the subject. Also, please subscribe, share, and follow us on social media.

Our storytelling is just for you. We love our readers who spend a part of their day reading Quotidian (kwoh-tid-ee-uh n) Tales. We also invite you to follow our blog with Bloglovin. Hope, you enjoy our stories.
How did we divide the arena of Quotidian Tales?
Quotidian Tales have three sections to cater to different preferences. The first section is Sparkles, which has a light mood and stages our celebrations and happy milestones. On the other hand, Pause.Ponder.Proceed. is aptly named for encompassing our grave opinions about life, relationships and social commitments. Finally, the third section Intangible is where we drift into a different world, surpassing our quotidian reality. It is by far the most emotional hub. Bringing all these sections together, we present to you our Quotidian Tales.
We have also started a new section for Book reviews. Please visit to discover some fantastic children's and young adult books.