
The New Mantra for the New Day!

The takeaway is that while the industry is imperative, you will thrive only if you are adept at unlearning, hustling, and aggressively finding solutions in a world where AI is taking over even before you are aware of it. S undays for me are laidback and without any alarms or reminders. I had just completed my yoga, mostly breathing exercises minus the rigor that a flushed Kareena Kapoor inspires through hers when I received a YouTube video in my really close friends' WhatsApp group. The one who sent it mentioned that it had pertinent information for parents and being on a roller-coaster ride with my teenager, I intended to at least skip and watch through it sometime. With the post-breakfast coffee in my hand, I started listening to it. Before long, I got so hooked on the ideas discussed and directions doled out that I was totally convinced to share them with others. To sum it up in a single word, it is all about "Newness," which the dictionary defines as th

Book Review : Harvey The Hippo

The tale of an adorable floating Hippo who eventually make good food choices. T his book , its illustrations, and the story are a sheer joy to young readers! Have you not had this conversation with your kids and asked them to make good food habits? That whole conversation becomes easy when they read about Harvey, their hippo friend, touring the entire world and finally deciding to pick healthy food options. Crisp rhythm, friendly tone, and valor reside throughout the tale of Harvey. The floating part of the story bring kids into a pleasant aura where they can feel free and light while connecting to their little friend. Read other books of Harvey the Hippo Moreover, how author Abby Pete tours Harvey through the different cities around the world instills curiosity in a kid's mind about cultures and food habits in various parts of the world. We cannot disagree that it harvests awareness about food and health in diverse setups. Click HERE to buy the book